Scar Treatment

10 natural scar remedies – home treatments for scars

3 min read

When helping scars to fade, there tends to be three main approaches:

  • Various gels, creams and oil
  • Natural remedies
  • Surgery

Creams and natural remedies are a good option for those looking to see if they can reduce their scar’s appearance. If this approach does not have the desired effect, surgical procedures can often produce the best results for scars.. Natural remedies – in this context – are simply those using ingredients in their natural form, i.e. not incorporated into gels or creams.

There are plenty of natural remedies you can try with minimal time, effort and cost at home. This article will look at those that could have an impact on the scar’s appearance and discuss those that may not help fade your scar at all.

  • There is less scientific proof around the effectiveness of natural and home remedies than there is for medical and over the counter scar products.
  • Starting treatment as soon as possible provides the best results.
  • Massaging is a great way to help break up collagen and can be combined with natural scar remedies.

In this article:

  • Natural scar remedies
  • At home medical treatments for scars

Natural scar remedies

While there is less scientific proof around natural remedies, you might want to try them out if you’re nervous about surgeries or the cost of medical treatment as some people have found they work for them and they usually don’t have any negative side effects.

Here are some of the most popular natural remedies to fade scars:

Sun protection

While it won’t necessarily help fade your scars, sun cream can help protect them from burning[1]. Scarred skin is susceptible to the sun, so protecting it is key to keeping your skin healthy and preventing your scars from worsening[1].

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Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel for scars is potentially one of the most familiar skincare options for acne scars [1]. While there’s little evidence the gel will help fade or improve these scars, it’s been shown to enhance wound healing and keep your skin moist, which could help reduce the risk of scars forming [1]. It also helps to reduce tightening of the skin when scars form [1].

Onion extract

Some studies have shown gels containing onion extract can help soften and improve your scars in around four weeks [2]. It’s not known how well the extract works on older scars, so it’s always best to start treating them sooner rather than later [2].

Vitamin E

Massaging with vitamin E oils could help reduce collagen build-up, which can help flatten out raised scars [1]. Try massaging for four to five minutes, three or four times a day and see if it works for you [1].


There is some limited evidence honey can help support the wound healing process, but there’s no proof it helps fade existing scars [2].

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is another natural oil that’s shown to help encourage skin tissue to heal, which may mean it’s less likely to scar [3]. Just massage the oil into your skin for around five minutes, three or four times a day. Coconut oil isn’t advised for people with naturally oily skin [3].

Apple cider vinegar

The acidic state of apple cider vinegar means it may help reduce scarring by removing the upper layer of your skin[3]. Just make sure you dilute the vinegar before applying it. Otherwise, you could cause more damage [3].

Lavender and tea tree oil

Essential oils like lavender and tea tree may help reduce inflammation and support your skin as it heals, reducing the risk of scarring [3]. They are less likely to reduce the appearance of existing scars [3]. Always dilute essential oils before applying them directly to your skin.


Lemon and honey are a staple duo of many home remedies, and they crop up again when looking at natural scar remedies. Lemon is naturally acidic and could help remove upper layers of skin to reduce the appearance of your scars and improve skin tone [3]. Mixing in a bit of honey – diluting the lemon juice before applying – could help minimize irritation [3].

Rosehip oil

Some studies have found rosehip is another essential oil effective at reducing scarring and enhancing wound healing[4]. As with any other essential oil, it should be diluted before it’s applied to your skin.

Shea butter

Shea butter can help moisturize your skin – and well moisturized skin tends to heal better, reducing the chances of scarring [3]. It could also help to reduce discolouration, making your scarring less noticeable [3].

At home medical treatments for scars

Many gels, creams and oils can also help to reduce the appearance of your scars. These often use elements that have been clinically proven to work in test in an easy to apply product so that you can treat your scars in your own time from the comfort of your own home.

As ever, though, the earlier you start treating your scars, the better your results are likely to be.

Some examples of at-home and over-the-counter medical scar treatments include:

Creams, gels and oils

Easy to apply gels, creams and oils can help to produce collagen, keep skin moisturized and help cells to renew – all playing a part in reducing the appearance of scars.

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  • Renews cells and aid formation of collagen
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Silicone gels

Silicone is known to reduce the appearance of new scars, but it may be less effective on older scarring [2]. Doctors have been using silicone sheeting to reduce scarring for over 35 years [2]. If you’ve had surgery or a severe injury, you might find that your doctor recommends a silicone scar treatment as they’re typically easy to apply and have a low risk of side effects [2].

Chemical exfoliators

Creams, masks, and serums containing chemical exfoliants could help reduce the appearance of scars as they help remove the outer layers of dead skin, leaving a smoother, more even appearance [2]. Common ingredients in chemical exfoliators include [2]:

  • Glycolic acid
  • Trichloracetic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Alpha-hydroxy acid
  • Beta-hydroxy acid
  • Salicylic acid

Chemical exfoliants can leave your skin very sensitive, so make sure you wear a strong sunscreen after using one [2].


While creams and surgery tend to be more effective, many people like to try natural or home remedies first as part of their scar care regime. Try a few to see what works for you but don’t worry if they don’t have the impact you expected as it can be difficult to get scars to fade.


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